Managing Products to Deliver Solutions: 25 Best Practices for B2B Product Management
ISBN: 978-1631927270

If you only read one “product management” book this year, this should be it. Instead of presenting another spin on how to turn ideas into blockbuster products, Managing Products to Deliver Solutions lets you in on a secret that only the most successful business-to-business (B2B) organizations seem to understand: Product management is more about building multi-product solutions that have higher value to businesses and their customers than it is about building great products for individual users. Product management, marketing and sales veteran John Mansour takes you through 25 “how-to” business practices that are applicable to any B2B product or service company and organizes them into three categories that essentially reveal the key differences between traditional and B2B product management as follows: 1. A wider lens is needed to uncover the most critical needs of businesses and their customers. 2. Business customers value integrated solutions more than best-of-breed products. 3. Product management is more than just product managers. Each practice is written in a “how-to” format to help you reorient your approach away from traditional user-focused product management practices and set your teams up to be more proficient at uncovering the top-down business issues that keep executives up at night and delivering high-value solutions that meet those needs. Managing Products to Deliver Solutions is written in a style that makes for easy reading by not overwhelming you with details but offering enough substance to act on. It gives you 25 solid reasons to manage your products as a portfolio to reap the rewards of emphasizing high-value solutions over great products.
