Read and discuss great product management books.  Build your network. Make new friends.

Product Coffee Book Club FAQ

Product Coffee Book Club is a volunteer-led group of product professionals committed to dedicated reading practice. Our mission is to provide a place for accountability and discussion of product-based books for the Product Coffee community.

When does it happen?

Product Coffee Book Club meets weekly on a Zoom call during a read-along.

What do I need to prepare?

Each week, we will set a reading goal for the following session. Reading plans will range between 30-50 pages, depending on book size and content. Our sessions will include Q&A about the selection, and familiarity with the content will help you participate in these sessions.

What if I am not a great/fast reader?

We all have to start somewhere Keeping pace with the reading selection is encouraged for your benefit. We aim to keep our reading pace up to finish books in an achievable timeline.

Where can I see the reading selection and weekly targets?

Our Product Coffee Premium Slack channel will hold weekly reading targets, book selection, and link to virtual sessions. Non-members will be invited to subscribe to a calendar series.

Where can I find previous books the group has read?

We maintain an Amazon Bookshelf that contains our previous reads and curated selections from our community.

I’m not a premium member. Can I still participate?

Yes, The Bookclub is currently open to the public! We encourage reading whenever possible.

Access to recordings and asynchronous group discussions will be limited, and we may share discussion opportunities and reading targets on our social channels.

We do recommend our Product Coffee Premium membership to gain the maximum benefit of our book club experience.

I am a Product Coffee Premium member; what book club benefits are available to me?

Our Product Coffee Premium members will have direct access to virtual sessions. Our premium member slack channel will house our asynchronous discussions throughout the book. Each book will complete with a special session dedicated to the practice, author interview, or similar workshop based on the current book selection.

Join us for the next
reading selection

Invites coming February 2025!

 Are you interested in participating?
Please use the sign-up form below to receive emails about this read-along, and we’ll send you invites to our discussion sessions!


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